Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today was a wonderful day :) I got the great joy of getting to not only go into Chicago, but also visit a Modern Art Museum. The museum was beautiful and it was so much fun to see what is considered art by different people. My only wish is that I could do this more often, for these type activities get me so excited for my future in the field of art. Just being around it sparks my burning passion for art.

(If you can't tell by the amount of pictures.... I really enjoyed myself)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My finished wooden sculpture for art! We were supposed to make something out of a 2x4 that was recognizable everyday object. So I made a person :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I had a great day going visiting Dylan in Chicago :) It was the first time I had gone to the city since school started and it was amazing. I feel so at home in the city, and I was even just visiting! It definitely assured me that my future has to involve Big City live.  Hopefully I can visit more often than once every 2 months.
Dylan's school is absolutely amazing. He was telling me how there is a class you can take about stage makeup, but it is so in-depth you have to learn all the muscles and bones in the face and how they work even before you start applying makeup. I was drooling. It is crazy large too. They actually have two campus'. His friends were so nice too, it was a great community. 
The stores in Chicago, even around his campus were unbelievable. I would be constantly broke, but my fashion would be on a whole new level. Long story short - Chicago is a dream come true!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This shout-out outfit is for Emily Thomas :) She gave me the wonderful mint green skirt you see here. She knows me better than I know myself. I love you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This is my shout-out outfit to Kevin and Lisa! They were so sweet and gave me this lovely purple hat :)